Hi, I hope someone can help me because I am desperate to solve a major problem. I currently have Zone Alarm Security Suite version 6.5.737.000 installed on my Dell 5150. I wanted to update ZA to the newer version 70_302_000.en.exe and so I tried. I installed the newer version and my computer went bonkers and stopped working and I actually got the dreaded " blue screen " which I have not seen since the old ME days. I am a bit of a computer geek and I want to assure you that I did uninstall and install properly, ridding my pc of all traces of ZA thinking that, that was the problem. Anyway, through a process of elimination I discovered that Window Blinds was causing Zone Alarm version 7 and Window Blinds to conflict and my computer would immediately crash. Another indication of this was that my husbands side of our main computer ran perfectly due to the fact that he does not use Window Blinds.I then removed Window Blinds from my side and suddenly ZA version 7 worked properly again. I pay for Window Blinds each year, it allows me to be creative with my desktop, I am on my computer about 18 hours a day as I earn my living on line and I want to be able to use Window Blinds and ZA version 7. I ended up uninstalling ZA version 7 and reinstalling the older version named above and then I reinstalled Window Blinds and my computer is working well again ( thank goodness ) but I would like to know if anyone else has this issue and what causes these two softwares to conflict so severely. Can anyone help me resolve this issue so that I am able to use both softwares that I pay handsomely for due to the fact that those of us in Canada pay more money for software from the U.S. and it is a shame that I seemingly cannot use both because of this horrible reaction that my PC has to ZA version 7. Zone Alarm blames Window Blinds and Window Blinds blames Zone Alarm...I am truly lost. I would sincerely appreciate any help any one with some expertise could offer me...I am desperate as I MUST have my Window Blinds, it is life or death
Thank you to all of you, and have a great day